The winds hurled themselves across the boat,
lightning split the skies, thunder added it’s resounding roar and the torrent
came in sheets of cascading rain. Fear gripped them. With wild eyes they looked
at the storm, fishermen though they were—this one scared them. Yet, lying in
the stern, oblivious to the unrelenting fury of the weather, lay the
Master—asleep! They wake Him, point to the storm and shout the words: “Don’t
you care that we are perishing?” He rouses Himself, speaks with quiet authority
to the menacing waves: “Peace, be still!” And they do. The wind eases, the sea
calms, thunder bites back its roar and lightning is replaced by a myriad
stars. ☺
God showed me a couple of days ago that there are two ways of looking at the
storm: the way the disciples did, with fear and a lack of faith, and the way
Jesus did—by sleeping! I realized that often when surrounded by trying
circumstances and overwhelming situations, ones I can do nothing about, my
default response is often to cry out and tell Him to change it, and sometimes
He does. Yet the other response, the road less traveled, but one that
reinforces faith, is to rest quietly through it, emulating Jesus, and trusting
God till it passes. Scripture also promises: “You will keep him in perfect
peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isa. 26:3) Maybe
your boat is being rocked today; maybe the storms are threatening or maybe dark
clouds hover overhead. Well, take courage and trust the Master, for “He will,”
may I say that again? “He will, carry you through.”
Btw, inbox me if you need prayer–will be privileged to do so.
He will carry you through